The Arlington Memorial Gardens

2145 Compton Rd Cincinnati Ohio US 45231
Virtual Tour

Washington's Land Warrant: Arlington can be traced directly to our country’s very beginnings thro

ugh the Abner Johnson family. Of Scotch ancestry, the Johnson family immigrated to Basking Ridge, New Jersey long before the American Revolution but during the War of Independence Abner Johnson joined the military and became a Wagoner in General George Washington’s army near Morristown, PA. Following the war, his services to General Washington and to his country were rewarded with land warrants covering half a section of land. Mr. Johnson contracted with the well-known surveyor, Israel Ludlow in 1778 requesting that Colonel Ludlow locate a favorable half section within eight to ten miles of Cincinnati. In 1779, Colonel Ludlow selected the west half section of 32 adjoining the village of Mt. Pleasant.

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