Gate of Heaven Cemetery is a full-service cemetery owned and operated by the Roman Catholic Archdioc
ese of Cincinnati. We are conveniently located at 11000 Montgomery Road, just north of I-275.
At Gate of Heaven, we know that most people must make burial arrangements during very difficult times—times of grief, sadness and loss. Our staff will treat you with dignity and help you deal as comfortably as possible with the decisions you need to make.
Some of the other reasons for you to consider Gate of Heaven Cemetery revolve around the fact that we are driven by religion, not profit. In addition to the services we offer for sale, we also do charitable work for the community, including:
• No-cost infant interments to members of the Church
• No-cost indigent interments at the direction of any Diocesan Priest
• The assurance that the Church will care for the cemetery for all time
We do these things because our work is based on more than sales and bottom lines—we are an extension of the Catholic Church and are here to serve its members during difficult transitions.